Thursday, January 23, 2014

The 2nd era of renaissance (speech made at the National English Speaking Championship Final)

Five hundred years ago, from the distant continental Europe, the greatest culture revolution has swept the world. The seed of the now enriched philosophy, art and science has been cultivated in one single soil of this place, the world was taken over by its magnificence. Our deepest gratitude to the Renaissance, we were on our way to the next big change. 

The 2nd era of the Renaissance. But this is not about art or philosophy again! It’s not about a talented minority, that’d include Michelangelo, Galilei or Da Vinci. It’s about the wisdom of the majority! It is the individual-centered synergic society. The orientation of the era is the globalization of “weird” science, high-tech industry, green economy, and less population print and so on. But does it sound, to you, people, that easy and spontaneous? No, on every threshold of welfare, there are challenges that we, together as a unity must face. The problem I pose forward here is the lack of HUMAN SKILL.
As James Canton of the Institute for Global Future, suggest, by the 2020s’, almost half the world employees will have basic professional skill deficiencies. They are going scarce of talent. And in only 2 decades, the profession in most demand might be the so-called “global headhunters”.

In our country, the actual census indicated that about one third of the Mongolians are unemployed, but they are educated. That means they become professionals with no practical skills. They are learning only to forget after getting good grades. The current education system has failed to complete its most vital and strategic task. We are educating for yesterday but not for today or the future. 

The extinct species of the workers value will be higher and higher as the time goes by. So what happens in the future? Imagine an auction. Here the organizations’ bid for the outstanding workers with sky high salaries and perfect accommodations like Shangrila while the others lag behind. Daily operations of businesses become impossible due to rising labor cost. Or something different can happen but they are expected to be worse.
But there’s another auction I suggest. The auction for fortune. In this, the youth bid for their good future. They bid not with money, nor wealth. But talent, knowledge and creativity. I want all of you to bid for your fortunes by bidding higher and higher with your ideas, innovations and inventions. Acting as the bidder, the young adults are thriving for themselves as well as their mother nation. This is the invisible hand of Adam Smith. This the source of the “Wealth of Nations”. 

At last, it brings not just sustainable development. Sustainable everything. Sustainable education which you can use what you have learned everywhere you go in this planet /Maybe other planets too/. Sustainable organization, which is environmentally friendly and employee oriented. And most important of all, sustainable citizens whose life is full of enjoyment not with parties but with creativity, accountability and ability.
So come and bid! Then see how far you can reach!

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